The star attunement Journey

Living in Multidimensional Oneness

All You Need to Know to Sign Up

What happens after I sign up

You’re welcomed into our BRAND NEW learning platform – – where we can start connecting and sharing … with Star and with one another as a pod.

We’re SO EXCITED about this! It’s been the missing element for so long. 

In the past, our Starmates had their Star Attunement call and the monthly Star Pod call – and that was it. 

Now, we have a safe, ad-free community site where we can stay engaged and connected throughout the 18-month journey. YAY!!!!

Here’s what our first new Starmate has to say about our new platform:

“Ohhhhhh Guys, the new platform is soooooo cool ! I love it 😀 I love how organized it is, and I added all my calls to my google calendar easily!!! Easy to use :)”  ~ Vidula Mansur

We can’t wait to see you there! 

What Happens on Star Attunement Day …

We gather as a pod via Zoom, like we do the Dolphin Attunements.
But there’s a significant difference in how the Star Attunements are transmitted.

Do you remember the magic words Linda used to deliver the the Dolphin Attunements – “On your third breath from this moment, your Dolphin Attunement will be transmitted …”?

Well, a Star Attunement begins the moment we gather on the call, and it’s transmitted in a continual stream of frequency over a period of 4 to 8 hours!

We begin by going around the circle for Starmate shares, to create our connection.
We often share a cool video that gives us a visual and sensory experience of the stars.
Finally, Linda leads us in a closing meditation, ending with “Blessings on your journey.”
And then we end the Zoom meeting and give ourselves over to the receiving experience.

Another change is that we don’t call back in after a Star Attunement for shares, the way we used to do for Dolphin Attunements.
We tried that in the beginning, but it just doesn’t doesn’t work for Star.
For one thing, we were all so deep, no one was able to speak! 🙂
Also, podmates’ experiences sometimes go on for hours, so it can feel like an interruption to get back on a call.
(If you’re a recent Dolphin Heart Experience graduate, you’ll know we also don’t have post-attunement callbacks in that program).

Instead, we encourage you to share your attunement experiences on our new Star Pod Community site.
The Shares area gives you the option to write what you want to say, or with one click you can record your share as an audio or a video.
You’ll be able to comment on your podmates’ shares, and you can send each other private messages. Connection!

We’ll also have one optional Star Pod Call between each Star transmission, usually on a Wednesday.

In light of the expansive nature of the Star Attunements, we highly recommend you do your best to give yourself an open, spacious day on Star Attunement day.
We’re always SO expanded after a Star Attunement, we’re really not capable of ‘doing’ much.
We’re blissfully surrendered in an exquisite state of pure BEing!

Refreshing Star Attunements

When you receive an Attunement that you’ve already received before, we call that “Refreshing” that Attunement
For the Star Attunements, Archie specifically recommends refreshing Star Attunements you’ve already received as often as possible:

Each of the Star Attunements is larger than the
majority of humans can receive in a single sitting.
When you receive it again,
you will receive new dimensions of it. 
~ Archie

Archie also recommends allowing at least two months integration time after receiving a new Star Attunement before moving on to receive the next one.

With these two recommendations in mind, we’ve designed the journey as follows:
– Receive Star 1
– 4-6 weeks later, Refresh Star 1
– 4-6 weeks later, Receive Star 2
– 4-6 weeks later, Refresh Star 2
and so on.

In all, over the course of your Star journey you’ll receive a total of 18 transmissions – the 9 Star Attunements, plus 9 refreshes.

Star Attunements timing & Schedule

The Star Attunements are available to you once you’ve received your 7th Dolphin Attunement.
Archie recommends you give yourself at least 2 months of integration time after the first time you receive Dolphin 7, before beginning your Star journey.
We’ve scheduled this new Star pod to respect that timing for recent DHX graduates.

Star Attunement transmissions happen on SUNdays!
That just seems appropriate, don’t you think? 😉

We’re gathering this Star pod to go through the journey together, all in the same flow and timing.
This new Star Attunement Journey begins with Star 1 on Sunday, April 7.
Each Attunement call will begin at Noon US Pacific time.

Star Attunement Schedule through 2024

April 7 – Star 1
May 5 – Star 1 Refresh
June 9 – Star 2
July 14 – Star 2 Refresh
August 18 – Star 3
September 22 – Star 3 Refresh
October 27 – Star 4
December 1 – Star 4 Refresh

Love Exchange & Payment Plans

All plans include:
ll 9 Star Attunements, plus 9 Star Attunement Refreshes
*Access to our NEW Star Pod Community Site!
*A Star Pod connecting call in between each Attunement

1 payment of $2,222

Pay-In-Full Plan

(Save $226 over the 17-Payment Plan; save $109 over the 7-Payment Plan)

7 payments of $333

7 Payment Plan

(Save $117 over the 17-Payment Plan)

17 payments of $144

17 Payment Plan

Q & A

What happens if I have to miss an Attunement?

It happens! We understand.
Please do your best to arrange the rest of your life around these Star Attunements. 
If you do have to miss one of our Attunement calls, please let us know as soon as you can.

If you are receiving this particular Star Attunement for the first time, you must be live on the call
If that’s not possible, you’ll have to wait until the following month to receive it.
In that case you’ll be a month behind the rest of the pod, but that will be okay.
Next month, you’ll  be on the same call with the rest of the pod, but you’ll receive your next Star Attunement, while the rest of the pod is receiving their next one.
Dolphin and Star know what’s next for you!

If you are going to miss a refresh of a particular Star Attunement that you’ve already received once, you’ll have the option to time-shift and receive it on your own, any time within the 12-hour window from the time the Star Attunement call started.
In that case, we’ll send you instructions for how to timeshift.
And on the day of the Attunement, David will email you a recording of the call you missed as soon as possible after it completes.

If you’re on a monthly payment plan, missing a Star Attunement doesn’t change your monthly payment commitment.

How do payment subscriptions work?

When you select one of the monthly payment options and sign up, your first monthly payment will be processed immediately.
Each of the remaining payments will be processed automatically by PayPal, once each month, on the same date as your initial payment. 
For example, if you make your first payment on August 12, each remaining payment will be charged on the 12th of the month, until all of the payments are completed.
Please ensure that your PayPal account is properly set up and connected to your bank account, credit card, or debit card, so each monthly payment can be processed successfully.

I have another question!

Email it to us, and/or bring it to our upcoming Q&A call!
As additional questions come in, we’ll add them to this list.

We’re SO looking forward to expanding into Star with you,
beloved podmate!

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